KatieLew Photography

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Goals for 2019 - Stillwater newborn and birth photographer

I feel like I’m about a month behind on these, but I suppose that doesn’t really matter as long as it happens eventually. I’ve decided to share a list of goals I’ve made for my business in 2019. The main reason I’m sharing is so I can keep myself accountable. And another reason is so I can share a small piece of myself with you. I feel like I’m at standing on the cusp overlooking something great. I have 2 choices: I could stand perfectly still and stagnant, or I could jump and see what amazing things await for me.

My goals for 2019:

1) Book more births - my first love, birth photography. This is what drew me in to the photography world 4 years ago (wowza, four whole years!). I was captivated by the birth images I was seeing by other incredible artists. And when I really examined myself and my passion, I knew birth was at the center of what was driving me. I wanted to create incredible images just like the ones I was seeing. And so I did. Being immersed in birth and sharing those moments with the families I’ve served has moved me to the core. It is my soul’s resting place. This year, I want to strive to get my name out there so I can be matched with more amazing families, so I can bring more awareness to birth and it’s process, and to grow the birth community here in Stillwater and the surrounding areas.

Last year, I shot 6 empowering births. While I loved every single moment, six is way below the yearly goal I have set for myself. I’m attributing this low number to the fact that I myself gave birth last year, and had to turn several potential clients away. But I want that number to go up for 2019 and the years to come. My goal each year has been 10-12 births. So for 2019, I’d love to shoot at least 10 births. If you know anyone expecting, send them my way.

I also have something very exciting on the horizon for later on in 2019. I can’t share just yet, but I’ll post an update as soon as I can.

2) Black and white images - for the longest time I have been shying away from editing my black and white images the way that I would like to. I’ve been too worried that other people wouldn’t like the dark and moody edits that really spoke to my soul. But to heck with that. I’ve decided to really let my true creative self shine with these edits. Because if they make me happy, my clients will be happy as well. So I’m embracing my truth in these edits. I love the richness and the contrast. It makes my soul sing. So if you’re booking a session with me in 2019 and beyond, expect to see some lovely, rich, contrasty black and white edits.

3) Get a mailing list going - This one is way out of my comfort zone! But it’s such an important marketing tool, and I really need to be using it. So I’ve stepped out on the ledge and started one. Here’s the link if you would like to sign up: https://www.katielewphotography.com/mail_list. My goal for this list is to allow my friends/followers to get updates on the new things I have going on. I usually do several different mini sessions through the year (motherhood minis and breastfeeding minis). I also only book a limited number of family sessions. I’ll be giving my mailing list first access to all of those sessions. I want to make it a fun place to be, not just some annoying thing you delete right away. So if you’re interested in hearing it first, click the link and sign up.

4) Blog at least twice a month - How many times over the years have I said I need to blog?? Too many to count I’m sure. But look! Here I am writing a blog lol. So it’s a start. I’ve actually considered hiring an assistant to help me manage some of the behind the scenes things like blogging. But I haven’t actually delved in to what that would look like yet. But we’ll see what the future holds. I want this blog space to be relevant, informative, and fun. My goal is to be my open and honest self in the process as well.

4) Birth connections features - There is this amazing group of women in Stillwater called Birth Connections of Stillwater. We meet the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Lee Glass Company at 7pm. Each month features a different meeting topic. This month’s feature is self care! I feel like this group and the women in it have molded me into the mother and woman I am today in so many ways. I call them my tribe. They are selfless, caring, strong, honest, loving, incredible human beings. And I want you, my followers, to get to know them better. Because in the process of sharing more of myself, I can’t help but to share about something that is a cornerstone for who I am today.

5) Shoot for myself - Shooting for myself and my family is really at the core of why I’m even a photographer to begin with. And I hope to never loose that. Documenting my children/family in every season of our lives helps to ground me to what’s really important in this life. So I’ll be continuing with my annual 100 days of Summer starting in late May. I’m looking forward to what this year’s 100 days will bring.

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As always thank you for your grace and love!
